How Should Satire and Subversion Work in Post-Modern Media?

Marvel. Predator. Comedies. Action Movies. Sometimes played straight, sometimes played sly, these are examples of media with dual purposes. The guys go over Donovan’s fanboy whining over Thor Love and Thunder, Harry’s ponderous musings over the original Predator film, and discuss the successes and failures of modern animation, action films, and various other “subversive” media.

What are the Tonal Limitations of Batman? (Batman and Robin 1997 Commentary)

In celebration to Batman’s return to the big screen and the discussion of The Batman‘s dark tone, Donovan introduces Harrison to the Joel Schumacher Hollywood blockbuster Batman and Robin. Known the globe over for being lame, is there anything more to this plastic production than met the eye in 1997? What does this speak of … More What are the Tonal Limitations of Batman? (Batman and Robin 1997 Commentary)

Agony and Ecstasy: Struggle Movies and Minority Representation in Media

*CONTENT WARNING* This episode discusses series and films involving Sexual Assault and Extreme Violence. Listener Discretion is Strongly Advised. As America seemingly turns a corner on racial justice, Hollywood is rounding the corner on racial representation, returning to the use of violence to put across the reality of oppression. But not all intentions affect equally. … More Agony and Ecstasy: Struggle Movies and Minority Representation in Media